Global pendulum swings to protectionism again

The Trump administration’s controversial decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports stimulated discussions …

Bu Konuda Daha Fazla

  • A visitor of the Diyanet Center notes that the mosque is already filled with Muslims from various backgrounds, all gathering every week for Friday sermons and excited by the scene that makes them feel “at home”.

  • The Kemalist modernization paradigm influencing Turkey's managerial mind until the 2000s slowly lost its efficacy and, in contrast with this, a perspective of modernization with stronger ties to society and more hybrid forms that offers the establishment of more rational relations with cultural regions outside its own began to come to the fore.

  • Being implemented from founding of the Republic, the Kemalist understanding of modernization ran counter to the social practices of the majority of the population and, since the beginning of the 2000s, has begun to lose its influence.

  • After a year has passed since the adoption of the elective courses, PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan unveiled the democratization package on September 30, 2013. With this package, we will be discussing education in different languages in private schools from now on.

  • The West still does not trust the political actors holding Islamic traditions in the Middle East, and it does not know how to interact with them effectively.