Podcast: International Conference on Turkish-Greek Relations: For a Smooth Future | Panel I: Emerging / Shared Concerns and Prerequisites for Türkiye and Greece

Panel I: Emerging / Shared Concerns and Prerequisites for Türkiye and Greece

International Conference on Turkish-Greek Relations: For a Smooth Future

Panel I: Emerging / Shared Concerns and Prerequisites for Türkiye and Greece

Talha Köse, SETA, İbn Haldun University
Zuhal Mert, Marmara University
Paulina Lampsa, Greek Turkish Forum
Yücel Acer, SETA, Yıldırım Beyazıt University
Kostas Ifantis, Panteion University

Partnered organizations:

SETA Foundation, Ankara (Türkiye)
Antenna TV
Institute of Global Affairs, Athens (Greece), The American College of Athens (Greece)
Hasan Kalyoncu University (Türkiye)
The American College of Greece (Greece)

PDF: International Conference on Turkish-Greek Relations: For a Smooth Future

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