Will the Earthquakes Lead to Change in Foreign Policy?

It is necessary to uphold the sense of solidarity, which emerged among states after the earthquakes. Last but not least, one would hope that the humane way of thinking can triumph over the idea of interest and exploitation in international relations. This is a time to focus on moral values and solidarity – not realpolitik.

Will the Earthquakes Lead to Change in Foreign Policy
Balkan Think Tanks Convention III

Balkan Think Tanks Convention III

This report provides a general summary of the roundtable sessions, including the main points of discussion and policy recommendations. Since the Convention was held under the Chatham House rule, the names and affiliations of the speakers are not specified in the report.


Ankara's policy towards Balkans in line with EU as it wants Balkan nations, including Türkiye, as EU members: Diplomat

This issue of Insight Turkey, through off-topic pieces, covers very significant issues related to the changes in the international system, Karabakh War, Gulf rivalry, and developments in the Balkans.

By all indications, 2022 will be a year full of intense arguments and discussions.

This summer issue of Insight Turkey aims to highlight the recent developments and challenges in the Middle East, specifically on Palesitinian-Israeli impasse, Iranian elections, and Turkey’s foreign policy and increasing influence in the region, with a rich frame including three commentaries and six research articles.

The ironic legacy of the 9/11 attacks

The 9/11 terrorist attacks were one of the turning points in the history of international relations. The legacy of the attacks has dominated the international system for almost two decades and triggered events and transformations that may have more long-term ramifications.

The ironic legacy of the 9 11 attacks
Can EU formulate an autonomous policy in Afghanistan

Can EU formulate an autonomous policy in Afghanistan?

The United States and the European Union do not share the same views on Afghanistan. In the midst of a new crisis, Europe needs more autonomous foreign policy planning and implementation


Turkey’s role as the 'guarantor of peace and stability' – a role that Erdoğan is prepared to play – highlights the country’s success.

United States President Joe Biden is back in Europe with a clear message: 'America is back.' His weeklong trip will be devoted to reaching out to fellow Western leaders and discussing ways to strengthen the trans-Atlantic alliance.

New opportunities will emerge for Turkey and Greece if they can diplomatically resolve their problems. However, both sides, especially the Greek and the Greek Cypriots, were conditioned to be confrontational in their discourse with Turkey.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan conveyed a powerful message to European leaders, who will meet later this week, in reference to the Eastern Mediterranean. He called on the European Union to save itself from “strategic blindness” and not to let Greece and the Greek Cypriots use Brussels as a battering ram.

In recent years, the European Union has managed to overcome severe crises and inspire new candidates to full membership despite the unexpected Brexit decision. The union is still seen as a hub of peace and prosperity in spite of the gradual rise of extremist ideologies in the continent and European economies' declining role in global economic activity.

Shortly after the Council of State annulled a 1934 decree that converted Hagia Sophia into a museum, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Friday issued a decree to open the facility to worshippers. After decades of calls "to break the chains and open Hagia Sophia," the people finally got what they wanted.

The analysis concludes by analyzing Turkey’s resurgent ties with the local Muslim communities in the Balkans (Albanians, Bosniacs, and Turks) and emphasizes Turkey’s contribution to regional peace and stability.

Since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war in 2011, Turkey has faced the gravest problems in the region regarding security, economics and refugees. That picture has not changed. At every turn, a new wave of issues knocks on Turkey’s door. That Europe and the U.S. have not taken initiatives required for a political transition in Syria is a major factor in this. Another leading cause is Russia’s desire to solve the crisis through military force. From the outset, Russia has deployed a course of destruction called the 'Grozny model." It is a policy consisting of three stages: besiege, destroy and rule. Russia has implemented this formula in many areas, particularly in Aleppo, which has wreaked extensive destruction and killed thousands of civilians.

With Hungary, Bulgaria and Serbia to depend on TurkStream, Turkey’s importance to increase in terms of energy security

NATO, a 70-year-old military alliance, faces new strategic questions. The challenges that the organization encounters are diverse. Russian cyber-meddling in Western democracies, China's move to buy European infrastructure, Washington's reckless effort to undermine the liberal order, the rise of populism in Europe, terrorism and the refugee crisis are among them. At the same time, there is the question of "what kind of ally" Turkey is.

The S-400 air defense system's delivery to Turkey has sparked debate among Western governments on Ankara's future treatment. The question at hand goes beyond concerns about the fate of Turkey-U.S. relations. This is much bigger than one key NATO ally removing another key ally from the joint F-35 fighter jet program.

This analysis mainly focuses on the description of the PYD/PKK’s drug routes and Turkey’s struggle against the PKK’s narco-terrorism.

Insight Turkey, one of the leading academic journals in Turkey, in its latest issue: “The Balkans at a Crossroads: Domestic Issues, Regional Affairs, Global Powers, Changing Dynamics” tackles the latest events in the Balkans region and the world powers’ relations within the Balkan countries.