How Many Millennia Can the Hazelnut Survive?

Today, genetically modified organism (GMO) foods are front and center in the discussion on food sustainability

How Many Millennia Can the Hazelnut Survive
How Many Millennia Can the Hazelnut Survive

How Many Millennia Can the Hazelnut Survive?

Today, genetically modified organism (GMO) foods are front and center in the discussion on food sustainability. While some allege that interfering in the genetic makeup of food items such as corn and wheat will be a hazard to human health and jeopardize the future of humankind, others view GMO foods as a ray of hope for impoverished nations. Claims that the world’s population is growing rapidly and that the world’s current food stock will not be able to meet the demands of this new population also affect the debate. Undoubtedly poverty and hunger are significant and life-threatening issues for human beings, and history provides evidence that starvation has wiped out entire generations, permanently transforming the demographic makeup of the earth.
