Deciphering Russia’s 2021 National Security Strategy Document

What is the National Security Strategy? What does the 2021 document envision? What are the priorities and primary threats mentioned in the document?

Deciphering Russia s 2021 National Security Strategy Document
Putin-Biden Summit and Russia-U S Relations

Putin-Biden Summit and Russia-U.S. Relations

How are the bilateral relations since the new U.S. administration took office? What are the potential topics to be discussed? What can be expected from the summit?


The foreseen face-to-face between U.S. President Biden and his Russian counterpart expected to be a significant determinant in Washington's upcoming Asia-Pacific moves

There are only 25 days left to the most significant and consequential elections in recent U.S. history. Mail-in and early voting have already started across the country. According to the latest statistics, almost 7 million people have already cast their ballots, which signals that this could be the election with the highest turnout in U.S. electoral history. It seems that instead of suppressing voting, COVID-19, through mail-in and absentee ballots, may increase the voting in many states in the U.S.

There are many questions in regard to the potential impact of issues related to foreign policy on the U.S. elections. Foreign policy has seldom been among the issues that shape voting behavior in the U.S. In the 2018 midterm election, it was not among the top five issues for American voters. In presidential elections, foreign policy issues become a little more relevant. One of the presidential debates specifically focuses on foreign and national security policy.

Last week the White House presented its “Strategic Approach to the People’s Republic of China,” a report delivered to the members of the U.S. Congress in accordance with the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act. It is almost an update from the administration in regard to the implementation of the policies cited in the National Security Strategy (NSS) of 2017.

Gamble with Russia: NATO enlargement and North Macedonia

North Macedonia’s accession to the Alliance does not give promising signs of rapprochement between Russia and NATO

Gamble with Russia NATO enlargement and North Macedonia
A reshuffling of the liberal world order

A reshuffling of the liberal world order

In fact, potential cooperation between China and Russia is mentioned as one of the significant threats for U.S. foreign policy. Of course this is the perspective of the U.S. and it is possible to read most of the decisions given by the U.S. administrations in the last few years in accordance with this changing threat assessment and perception.


As the era of optimism for a liberal international order and responsible stakeholders looks like a thing of the past, U.S. policymakers are attempting to adapt their policies — but with little success so far

It was in October 2011 that then-U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrote an op-ed in Foreign Policy Magazine describing the orientation of the new U.S. foreign policy..

Ankara has declared a counterterror offensive against the YPG, signaling that it is time for U.S. forces to step back from northern Syria in order to avoid a possible confrontation with the Turkish military

Nowadays it is hard to find a film analogy to describe U.S.-Russia relations. The rivalry of old days and the reset of the recent past are all over.

Turkey and the United States started implementing the Manbij road map, a framework created by Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu and U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on June 4. On June 12-13, senior military officials from both countries held talks in Stuttgart, Germany, and worked out the details, including the establishment of monitoring posts and patrol routes in Manbij.

With just two weeks left until the June 24 elections, Turkey has been preoccupied with an agreement with the United States on Manbij and a military operation against the terrorist organization PKK's command center in northern Iraq.

Washington should find a way to cooperate with Ankara as Trump steps toward creating a more homogeneous and hawkish administration on diplomacy, national security and the economy

If anybody thought that Daesh's defeat would lead to de-escalation in Syria, they must be seriously disappointed..

The same methods that were used during the Gezi Park protests in Turkey are now being applied in Iran

President Erdoğan pushes for a better and more just world whilst pledging to pay the price of challenging oppression. This is why the Sudanese people welcomed him with open arms

Clearly, the Trump administration's threats were intended to prevent the U.N. General Assembly from voting overwhelmingly to support a resolution sponsored by Turkey and others.

There are several things worth mentioning about the Nation Security Strategy (NSS) in a short column.