5 Questions: 2019 Escalation of the Kashmir Conflict

Why did tensions rise in Kashmir in February 2019? What happened on August 5 in Kashmir? What do Articles 35A and 370 mean to Kashmiris? What happened after the abrogation of Articles 35A and 370? Did the abrogation of Articles 35A and 370 lead to further integration or disintegration of Kashmir and India?

5 Questions 2019 Escalation of the Kashmir Conflict
5 Questions Citizenship Amendment Bill in India

5 Questions: Citizenship Amendment Bill in India

What is the Citizenship Amendment Bill? Are the recent amendments an extension of Islamophobia in India? How will these constitutional amendments affect the Muslim minority of India? What is the response of the Muslim community to these amendments? What is the right-wing BJP’s plan for India?


Turkey and Pakistan have always had a particularly close relationship. During the Turkish War of Independence, India's Muslim community contributed to the war effort. That affinity evolved into a deeply-rooted fraternity upon the foundation of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Insight Turkey, one of the leading academic journals in Turkey, in its latest issue entitled as “Turkey’s New Foreign Policy: A Quest for Autonomy,” resonates on the importance of Turkey’s increasing role and effectiveness in the international realm.

The modern world is dominated by nation-states, i.e. the Westphalian system. Although theoretically the concepts of nation and state overlap, in reality, they do not. The nation-state is a political institution that is not based on ethnicities, culture or religion. There are two main characteristics of nation-states: the most significant is territory, and the second is citizenship, as the only political link between the nation-state and the people of that territory. In principle, it covers every individual who lives in the country during the establishment process.

The U.N. has unfortunately turned out to be a platform where the significance of multilateralism and global cooperation is increasingly ignored or even damaged

Erdoğan: Israel's actions against Palestinians undermine world peace

Israel's occupation of Palestine and constant attacks to the unarmed civilians prove the harm the country causes to the World peace, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said

Erdoğan Israel's actions against Palestinians undermine world peace
Erdoğan-Trump meeting can repair long-standing damage

Erdoğan-Trump meeting can repair long-standing damage

Pesident Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is in New York this week, leading a delegation, to attend the U.N. General Assembly's 74th session. After meeting civil society leaders and think tanks Sunday, Erdoğan held a series of talks with world leaders on Monday. Yesterday, he addressed the General Assembly, delivering a speech akin to his 2014 address. .


Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi revoked Article 370 of the Indian constitution which gives autonomy to Jammu and Kashmir. India's decision flared up new tensions in the region and led to protests in Jammu and Kashmir as well as in neighboring Pakistan.

Unilateralism and the arbitrary policies of global powers cause international conflicts, foreign interventions and political instability. Therefore, most global and regional powers have lost confidence in the international system, universal principles and the globalization process.

The most recent regional crisis erupted in South Asia after the Indian Air Force crossed into Pakistani air space in order to hit Kashmiri armed groups. The story of the crisis goes back to the end of British colonialism in the subcontinent.

The behavior of the great powers in the international system, emerging threats to international security, declining expectations from international organizations, surfacing nationalism and protectionism and arising trade wars all signal that something is approaching or the world is quickly approaching a point of total disarray.

This week some unexpected developments have occurred in international politics which signaled the direction of change in the international system.

In response to the most recent developments, foreign fighters became a top priority for the intelligence community in Turkey and other European countries.