Will the Earthquakes Lead to Change in Foreign Policy?

It is necessary to uphold the sense of solidarity, which emerged among states after the earthquakes. Last but not least, one would hope that the humane way of thinking can triumph over the idea of interest and exploitation in international relations. This is a time to focus on moral values and solidarity – not realpolitik.

Will the Earthquakes Lead to Change in Foreign Policy
The Middle East in 2022 A fly in amber

The Middle East in 2022: A fly in amber

With the world's attention diverted by the Russia-Ukraine war throughout the year, the Middle East was not at the top of the international political agenda in 2022


Western media outlets and politicians have been trying to discredit Qatar through biased and fabricated claims

Sports has been one of Qatar's leading soft power tools and the country advertises itself through sports as it has a magic transcending politics.