Why Investing In Turkey Is Still a Good Idea

It is almost impossible not to be shocked by the sheer speed of the perceptive …

Bu Konuda Daha Fazla

  • The existence of tax havens thanks to legal loopholes must be problematized from an ethical perspective that places the alleviation of poverty and global income disparities at its epicenter

  • The UNAOC initiative represented a perfect example of Turkey's proactive, multilateral diplomacy based on building international alliances around common principles and inclusiveness, contributing to innovative peace building through dialogue

  • There is an urgent need to systematically advance the integration of the refugee community into formal employment as well as national education system so that the accumulation of potential social tensions might be prevented from the start

  • The reason behind the Feb. 28 post-modern coup, which was an outcome of the past military tutelage of politics, was economic