If not against coups, then when?

Military intervention in politics is constituted one of the most significant threats for democracies around the world. Although many around the world forget the extent of this threat for the democratic regimes around the world, the coups and military interventions remind themselves for many through its presence.

If not against coups then when
Forgotten tragedy of Rohingya people

Forgotten tragedy of Rohingya people

International humanitarian agencies should make concrete contributions to the Ankara's efforts to stop the suffering of the Rohingya people


In the wake of sorrowing international apathy, Turkey endeavors to spearhead efforts to coordinate humanitarian diplomacy to assist the Rohingya Muslims despite its geographical distance

The international community must do its best in order to stop the the massacre of Rohingya Muslims and this time not allow another tragedy to happen in the world

According to United Nations records, Rohingyas constitute the most persecuted minority in the world. Their persecution has continued almost uninterrupted for decades.

Once recognized as a human rights icon, Aung San Suu Kyi now rules a country that violates the most basic rights of its Rohingya minority, including the right to life