June 23 Istanbul vote to erase doubts over electoral process

On March 31, Turkey held local elections in a transparent manner that reflect its democratic maturity. The results showed that voters gave different messages to both the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party) and the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP).

June 23 Istanbul vote to erase doubts over electoral process
Recount process protects the people's voice

Recount process protects the people's voice

Turkey's Supreme Election Council (YSK) has been reviewing objections to the unofficial vote count in Istanbul. The election watchdog found errors in the vote count as well as certain irregularities.


Washington's move to pressure Turkey on the S-400 deal by talking about its NATO membership is not only a serious mistake but also damaging NATO itself

Turkish politics may move toward a more predictable path if the temperament of permanent crisis management ends and all the political actors behave more responsibly

Turkey's municipal election was a hard-fought battle between two alliances. The vote took place in line with democratic maturity, as local communities elected their new mayors.

The government sees the post-election years as an opportunity to follow a more proactive foreign policy and implement structural reforms in the economy

Turkey's elections beyond the local context

Turkey's local election campaigning took on the tone and tenor of general elections this year, and survival was the predominant theme in President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's campaign discourse.

Turkey's elections beyond the local context
AK Party shapes general trends of both opposition society

AK Party shapes general trends of both opposition, society

The Justice and Development Party (AK Party) received the 43.16 percent of the vote in the local elections of 2014, the highest of all participating parties. For the local elections of March 31, it received 45 percent, increasing 2 percent, and came out as the clear victor again. However, the country's major cities, such as Istanbul and Ankara, voted differently in the majority, which shows the power of the legitimate election rallies in Turkey.


People went to the polls on Sunday to elect the local administrators for the cities and municipalities around Turkey. For the last two months, political parties campaigned extensively throughout Turkey. The high voter turnout rate again proved the Turkish people's commitment to democracy and their participation in this democratic process. While these sentences were written, the vote count was still going on.

Turkey will hold municipal elections tomorrow. The People's Alliance and the Nation Alliance have worked very hard to win over undecided voters and maximize turnout.

This analysis explains the March 2019 local election’s significance to Turkish politics and concentrates on the ways in which the visions of various political parties for local government have changed over the years.

Local elections in Turkey are taking on the character of general elections as foreign policy comes to dominate the conversation.

As expected, the municipal election campaign in Turkey has ended up bogged down in national issues.

As Turkey inches toward the municipal elections, the "national survival" debate is deepening with new wars of words between competing definitions of nationalism.

Ahead of the March 2019 municipal elections, battle lines have been drawn across Turkey's political arena.

The AK Party's campaign for the March local elections involves both contemporary and traditional methods of reaching voters, and seems to be winning the support of all the generations

Turkey has been discussing the possibilities and limitations of pre-electoral alliances in the local elections for awhile now.