Identity politics or national identity debate?

Turkey never ceases to debate 'identity politics' around elections. In previous elections, political parties tapped into distinctions between religious and secular citizens, Sunnis and Alevis, or Turks and Kurds, in open or veiled manners, to influence voters.

Identity politics or national identity debate
Germany 187 Islamophobic crimes reported in Q3 of 2019

Germany: 187 Islamophobic crimes reported in Q3 of 2019

Mosques were directly targeted in 25 cases, says government in answer to parliamentary question


The upcoming municipal elections are starting to attract attention in Turkey.

Turkey's opposition parties have no choice but to engage questions about identity, ideology and policy development, and to find ways to genuinely connect with the people

The chaos unleashed on Turkey's opposition by the June 24 elections won't be over anytime soon. Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, the chairman of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) that oversaw the formation of the Nation Alliance by "lending" 15 parliamentarians to the newly-formed Good Party (İP), has his back to the wall.

The June 24 elections were positioned as a critical juncture in Turkish political life in many aspects.

The future direction of Turkish politics

Political players that draw the right lessons from the June 24 elections will successfully adapt to changing circumstances

The future direction of Turkish politics
Turkish voters teach a lesson in electoral strategy

Turkish voters teach a lesson in electoral strategy

Western governments have no choice but to reassess their priorities and work with Turkey under the leadership of President Erdoğan


This report examines and provides an introduction to the decision to hold the elections early and the platforms and candidates that the major political parties are putting forward in the June 2018 elections. As noted, there are a number of candidates for the presidency from the AK Party, the CHP, MHP, HDP, IYI Party, SP, and other parties. In the parliamentary elections, there are two major electoral alliances, a new feature in Turkish elections.

The most recent developments in Turkey indicate that the country is a battleground betweenWesternism and native/national politics.

Head of the Turkish think tank, SETA, Burhanettin Duran said that the AK Party decided to hold elections not because of an ongoing crisis or political turbulence, but rather to tackle any future turbulence. He added that Turkey's hand in dealing with adverse conditions will be strengthened after the polls

The global political economy is going through a turbulent period in which emerging powers such as Turkey are increasingly forced to monitor new conditions and produce fast and effective policy responses.

Turkey will be holding snap elections on June 24. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced the decision to hold early elections on Wednesday.

The transition to a presidential system with the June 24 snap elections will provide time and space for necessary reforms in the country while reducing political uncertainty and increasing resilience against possible regional and diplomatic crises

A new basis for cooperation between Turkey and the EU is needed instead of tensions that could further strain relations

On Feb. 3, the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) held its 36th Ordinary Congress.

If Washington continues to test Ankara's patience by pushing for the creation of a ‘terror corridor' and state-like entity on its doorstep, then the make-or-break time for relations might be upon us

The ongoing negotiations between the AK Party and MHP..

Political analyst, Nebi Miş, said the AK Party and MHP's possible election alliance is a necessary tactical move with the new presidential system, while the main opposition CHP has failed to create a long-term policy to challenge the other bloc

Political parties' debates over their campaigns for the 2019 elections have already started, signaling that 2018 will be very challenging

Turkey will hold three elections in 2019: Local, parliamentary, and presidential. The local elections are planned for March 24, while the parliamentary and presidential elections are scheduled for the same day. Nov. 3, 2019 is significant for the first application of the presidential system, which will be available once adjustment laws are approved in line with the constitutional changes voted for in the April 16 referendum.