Russia, Iran planning to declare victory over Idlib

Regime leader Assad wants to claim victory over Idlib to prove he has Syrian lands under his control, says analyst

Russia Iran planning to declare victory over Idlib
Turkey looking ahead to municipal elections

Turkey looking ahead to municipal elections

The upcoming municipal elections are starting to attract attention in Turkey.


With the U.S. midterm elections around the corner, public debate on President Donald Trump's political future is heating up.

Earlier this week, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan along with a large delegation, including myself. The top two items on the agenda were the economic integration of the Turkic world and the fight against the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ).

The strained atmosphere between Turkey and the U.S. is not likely to change until Trump stops being a bully

By making this new proposal, Macron's goal is to prevent Russian pressure on Europe and keep Turkey in the EU's corner without granting the Turks full membership

US administration drives Turkey closer to Russia, EU

The U.S. administration's anti-Turkey actions have led Ankara to simultaneously end its disagreements with EU countries and deepen its strategic partnership with Moscow

US administration drives Turkey closer to Russia EU
What Western alliance

What Western alliance?

For the past five years, the Western media has engaged in an endless "discussion" on Turkey.


The unilateralist trend that was launched by George W. Bush, who said "you are either with us or against us," actually continued in different forms in the successive U.S. administrations

Nowadays, all eyes are fixed on the relations between Turkey and the United States. Against the backdrop of tensions, the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) celebrated its 17th birthday at an event hosted by the Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA) on Tuesday.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Tuesday that Turkey will impose a boycott against U.S. electronic products amid an ongoing and deepening rift between the two NATO allies over a number of issues.

The U.S. president continues straining his country's ties with Ankara by making irrational and undiplomatic moves against Turkish national interests

The Trump administration is destroying the system that the U.S. established in the wake of World War II by alienating its long-time allies

Washington is aware of the fact that threatening the rule of law and sovereignty of Turkey will not be accepted from Ankara and such a move will be counterproductive for the release of pastor Brunson

The above-mentioned sanctions marked the beginning of a new era in Turkey-U.S. relations..

President Trump is not concerned about the interests, expectations and concerns of other states, and it is no surprise that he has declared most of the U.S. partners as enemies

US threats to impose sanctions 'counterproductive and could erase any progress' in two countries' relations, say experts

The dispute over the charges against Pastor Brunson is just the top of the iceberg in the deepening crisis between Ankara and Washington

Coup attempt was a lesson for Turkey and no group will be able to repeat it, says vice-chair of Turkey's ruling party

This report presents a general summary of the panel sessions, including the main points of discussion and policy recommendations.