5 Questions: The French Manifesto against the “New Anti-Semitism”

Why does this manifesto reflect the anti-Muslim rhetoric that prevails in France?

5 Questions The French Manifesto against the New Anti-Semitism
Turkish-Uzbek rapprochement Beginning of a new era

Turkish-Uzbek rapprochement: Beginning of a new era

Turkey and Uzbekistan have had tense relations for decades.


In a world of intensifying international economic competition, neo-protectionism and aggressive growth, energy efficiency and procurement security rapidly turn into matters of prevalent national interest.

Trump could not get what he wanted from the Iranian protests and took another wrong step in the Middle East

The policy-makers in the White House have not been able to agree on how to take position on the protests going on in the U.S.'s long-time rival Iran

Political parties' debates over their campaigns for the 2019 elections have already started, signaling that 2018 will be very challenging

Unlike US, Iran could assist Turkey's war on terror

Turkey's opposition to Iran's expansionist policies does not preclude its objection to outside intervention and instability

Unlike US Iran could assist Turkey's war on terror
Call For Reports European Islamophobia Report 2017 EIR

Call For Reports: European Islamophobia Report 2017 (EIR)

The European Islamophobia Report (EIR) is an annual report, which is presented for the first time for the year of 2015.


Clearly, the primary meaning of Erdoğan's quest for comprehensive change is to give some officials who have been carrying out demanding tasks for a long time an opportunity to rest by letting them hand over their positions to successors.

The AK Party's insistence for dynamism and change will help refresh itself in the new period under the leadership of Erdoğan

In recent years, Mr. Erdoğan has included the common themes of conservatism, nationalism and Islamism, the main pillars of Turkish politics, in his discourse and policies to the best of his ability and under the prevailing conditions.

Despite declaring himself on many occasions as the best anti-Obama figure, Trump unfortunately seems to maintain the brutal drone policies that were aimed at killing innocent people and adopted by Obama during his term in office

Turkey is not trying to change teams. It is only seeking a healthy balance between Russia and the U.S.

Turkish citizens who live in the bordering cities feel anxious. These fears trigger skepticism and may lead to polarization among different identity groups in Turkey.

The EIR documents and analyzes trends in the spread of Islamophobia in various European nation states. Every year on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (21 March), EIR will be published.

Turkish citizens who live in the bordering cities feel anxious. These fears trigger skepticism and may lead to polarization among different identity groups in Turkey.

Biden's visit can bring many good things and opportunities for bilateral relations if the U.S. can show support for Turkey and Turkish people. It is an era that will stay in the memories of the people for many years.

The latest incident between President Erdoğan and Prime Minister Davutoğlu proves Erdoğan's argument about the risks of a 'double-headed executive' right.

The two countries may find some areas in which to work together in the changing region. There are already many speculations about the possible positioning of this normalization in the changing balance of power in the Middle East and shifting alliances.

Turkey is entering a critical turning point in international finance on the eve of major structural reforms in macroeconomic governance, social policy and investment climate.

Although abounding in energy sources compared to other regions, the Middle East suffers from the increasing significance of the energy market in shaping the nations' foreign policy in the 21st century.