Political crisis in the Gulf

Gulf states face the first real and vital challenge after the outbreak of the Arab Spring but it seems they do not have the capability to handle it

Political crisis in the Gulf
Failed Coups and Their Aftermaths European Examples

Failed Coups and Their Aftermaths: European Examples

Spain and Greece followed the same path in the transition to democracy after a failed coup. The EU made some concessions to promote their memberships. However, when it comes to Turkey, the EU seems not to take any responsible steps.


Female students with headscarf are currently prevented to enter the university in Turkey although there is no legal ground for such a ban. The ongoing controversy about the type of clothing for female students at the higher education institutions has become more intensified since the recent constitutional change in February 2008 to lift the de facto headscarf ban. The debate over this question revolves around whether headscarf is a religious attire or a political symbol, whether it should be banned to protect the secular foundations of the state or conversely allowed on the basis of individual freedom of religion as a corollary of secularism. The solution lies in the implementation of constitutional amendments without a further delay.

Freedom of religion and worship is a fundamental human right that everyone should enjoy regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality or religious preference. The right to follow a particular religion and practice its rituals is recognized as legitimate by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the European Convention on Human Rights.

Mr. Blix addressed the present challenges and opportunities on the way toward nuclear disarmament and peace in the world in general, in the Middle East in particular.

Turkey can play a complimentary and even crucial role that could actually ease the task of the European Union between Serbia and Kosovo.

The Political Implications of the June 2011 Elections

 SETA PANEL DISCUSSION  Chair:     Taha Özhan, SETA    Panelists:     Ali Çarkoğlu, Sabancı Univ.       Cengiz Çandar, Radikal     Yavuz Baydar, Sabah  Date: June 15, 2011 Wednesday  Time: 14.00-16.00  Venue: SETA, Ankara   

The Political Implications of the June 2011 Elections
Suriye Krizi ve İnsan Hakları

Suriye Krizi ve İnsan Hakları

SETA PANEL   Oturum Başkanı:     Talip Küçükcan, SETA    Konuşmacılar:    Walid Saffour, Suriye  İnsan Hakları Komitesi (SHRC) Başkanı    Nadim Houry, İHİÖ Başkan Yrdc. ve Ortadoğu ve Kuzey Afrika Sorumlusu    Cengiz Çandar, Radikal Gazetesi Yazarı    Tarih: 26 Nisan 2012 Perşembe  Saat: 11.00-13.00  Yer: SETA, Ankara Salonu


The practice of universal suffrage in Egypt, without limitations on gender and ethnicity, is a hopeful sign for the region.”

By creating restricted political openings, as was the case in the early 1990s, the king intended to coopt some opposition parties, which had been previously excluded from the political system.

The coming months will provide ample opportunity to examine and learn how competing political parties are planning to tackle the seemingly challenging task of higher education reform in Turkey.