The United States' weird perception of axis shift

The U.S. making axis shift in foreign policy is the root cause of frozen Ankara-Washington relations

The United States' weird perception of axis shift
A Year Later Remembering the Bravery of Turkish People On

A Year Later, Remembering the Bravery of Turkish People On July 15

The treatment of the protesters that night and the violence they inflicted on Turkish society was a sign of what a dreadful regime they wanted to build after the takeover of the government.


Merkel's gamble on the Turkey-EU deal resulted in Germany's diplomatic deadlock. From now on she will have to work hard to avoid losing Turkey's friendship

The Armenian genocide debate will only end if Armenians and Turks remember their peaceful, shared history in Anatolia

Criticizing Turkey has been a popular sport in Western capitals. It would appear that they will continue talking for some time. In April, their main focus will be charges of Armenian genocide, to which Turkey must respond with rational policies able to cut through the noise.

Since Erdoğan ended the old habit of the pro-West intelligentsia in Turkey, he has been portrayed as a sultan, and Turkey as an authoritarian state

The Statement of Condolences and Potential Reconciliation

Turks and Armenians have lived side by side for hundreds of years in peace and harmony. Today, Turkey and Armenia need to realize that it is in their best interests to revive their relations and form neighborly ties with each other

The Statement of Condolences and Potential Reconciliation
Turkish Foreign Policy in the New Era

Turkish Foreign Policy in the New Era

In this new era of Turkish politics, unsurprisingly there will be significant continuities in many public policy realms. The new government formed under the leadership of Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu will continue most of the policies and projects that were started earlier.


Erdogan’s presidential victory highlights that despite Turkey’s polarisation over the Kemalist era's legacy – the vast majority see him as the best route towards a modern, prosperous society.

Democratization in Turkey has been a long and challenging process. Today, after decades of tutelage, Turkey is about to enter an irreversible path toward a more democratic country.

The Ak Party which integrated a discourse of civilization with Erdoğan's leadership, has the courage to confront all fears of the history of Turkish modernization.

The statement that Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made last week can be a first step in such a transformation in the conflict between two nations over the 1915 events.

According to the 2008 Transatlantic Trends public opinion survey recently released by the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) -- available at -- Turkey's threat perception has declined and its confidence has increased compared to a year ago.

Joe Biden was selected as Barack Obama’s vice presidential candidate largely because of his expertise in foreign policy.  Traditionally, in U.S. politics, Dick Cheney-like strong vice presidents are exception, not the rule. It is wiser to focus on Obama’s foreign policy outlook rather than Biden’s, which would benefit Turkey in the long run with its realistic tendencies. Biden’s voting pattern, as it is displayed in three different issues (Cyprus-Armenian Issue-Iraq) does not seem friendly to the Turkish position. However, Biden as a statesman would not create extra problems for Turkey at the expense of U.S national interests. In all of these issues, the person that should be watched carefully is Obama, not Biden. Spending more energy to analyze Obama’s geopolitical priorities can benefit Turkey in the long run.