Workshop: The Radicalization of Far Right Movements in Europe

  • Date : 24/05/2017
  • Time : 09:30 : 16:30
  • Venue : Holiday Inn Hotel
  • End  : 25/05/2017
  • Address : Tunus Cd. No:7, Çankaya/Ankara


Hedayah and SETA will organize a workshop to review the results of a research project on the “Radicalization of Far Right Movements in Europe.” This project aims to explore the causes, dynamics, and effects of radicalization among individuals and groups belonging to the non-mainstream right (neo-fascist/extreme/far/alt right). Using the term ‘radicalization’ in this context – namely outside its conventional current association with ‘Muslim’ and ‘Islamic’ – opens up an extensive field of enquiry regarding radical right-wing ideas and politics, as well as their links to violent activities. The focus of the project is inter- and trans-national but some specific case studies – chosen on the basis of their particular relevance to or topicality for this discussion of radicalization – will be chosen to test hypotheses and explore the suitability of policy recommendations. This project is supported by the Republic of Turkey, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The project focuses on the following research questions:

  1. Why and how do far right movements radicalize?
  2. To what extent are particular instances of radicalization are driven by national dynamics or influenced by shared trans-national factors?
  3. In what circumstances can radicalization lead to violent extremism?
  4. What are the consequences of this radicalization on communities in contemporary Europe?
  5. How have governments and mainstream political parties dealt with far-right radicalization and violent extremism?


The project will produce four policy reports will emerge from theoretical and fieldwork research by expert authors. The reports will feature a mix of thematic/comparative analyses and country-based studies; namely:

  1. Britain Post-Brexit
  2. Hungary
  3. Far right movements, lone-wolf terrorism and counter-terrorism strategies
  4. The role of social media in the violent radicalisation of far right movements


The context of far right radicalization and key recommendations will be compiled in a short introduction and conclusion chapter to accompany the four policy reports.

Expert Workshop

The workshop will convene approximately 15 experts to discuss the outcomes of the research papers, facilitate feedback to the authors, and elaborate on possible policy and program recommendations from the research. Local government officials, academics and think-tanks may also be present at the workshop to contribute to the discussions and the content.

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