Panel: The Iraqi Front in Turkey’s Counter-Terrorism Efforts

  • Date : 13/06/2018
  • Time : 12:00 : 14:00
  • Venue : SETA Ankara
  • End  : 13/06/2018
  • Address : Nenehatun Cad No:66, 06700 Çankaya,Ankara,Türkiye

  • Moderator : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat YEŞİLTAŞ, Director of Security, SETA
  • Speakers :Dr. Ahmet KESER, Hasan Kalyoncu University, Lecturer

    Dr. Murat ASLAN, SETA Researcher

    Necdet ÖZÇELİK, SETA Researcher

    Can ACUN, SETA Researcher

Turkey’s determined stance on countering terrorism has recently manifested in promising operations targeting the command structure, logistics network and cells of terrorist organizations. Turkey issimilarly in charge of engaging with the terrorist network in the north of Iraq and pursues a strategy of fighting terrorism in the space of its origin with the aim of eradicating it. In this context, Turkey is carrying out the current operation in Iraq to neutralize the capacity and capabilities of the terrorist network there; the public is interested in the current status of the operation in Iraq, the direction in which the operation might evolve, and its effects on the region’s balance. This panel will assess the current operation, future expectations and the probable effect of the operation on the balance of the region and the world.
All participants are welcome.