Turkey-Iran relations and their presence in Iraq

Iranian foreign policy orientation is defined by three complementary contexts, namely national, Shiite and Islamic. …
  • With tensions between Iran and the United States de-escalating for now, there is talk about cease-fire agreements in Libya and Idlib.
  • Some people believe that Tehran's response to the Qassem Soleimani assassination resulted in an easing of tensions between the United States and Iran. They argue that the Iranians, intimidated, landed on a symbolic act of retaliation – which they proceeded to portray as vengeance on the home front.
  • Since the killing of Qassem Soleimani in Baghdad last week, there have been debates, questions and concerns about the potential implications of this attack on U.S. foreign policy and the international relations of the Middle East in general. The missile attacks of Iran on a base in Iraq and the debates about a Ukrainian airlines plane presumably shot down by a missile increased the level these discussions.

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